Welcome, Class of 2029
Beginning a new educational journey, especially during these times, can be exciting and a bit overwhelming. At the core of our formation is the care for the whole person–cura personalis. This central tenet animates every aspect of a Loyola experience. We are committed to the overall development of each Cub’s mental and physical health, spiritual growth, academic attainment and his cultivation as a global citizen. We are very excited to welcome our new Cubs!
The Ultimate Guide to Cub Year One
Cub Year One: First Year Foundations (CY1) is your First-Year Foundations program developed out of a desire to create an all-encompassing orientation experience.
The hallmark of the Loyola education is our community and conducting this program will be a way for you to start building those bonds with your fellow classmates, older students and the Loyola adult community.
CY1 helps you become a full-fledged Cub. We want you to be successful not only in your first-year at Loyola, but as you endeavor toward being a Cub for Life (C4L).
Photo mosaic by: kcollins23 @ Mosaically
CY1 Protocols
The Goals of CY1 are:
As a community of practitioners, guided by the wisdom and spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola, we are committed to advancing the mission of Loyola High School of Los Angeles. In realizing this purpose, the goals of CY1 are:
to provide the hard skills-training (e.g., technology, other) necessary for onboarding all incoming students to Loyola;
to provide all students with the social capital, skills and knowledge to properly navigate Loyola High School in order to access all support systems (e.g., counseling, student life, ministry, athletics, academics, etc…);
to use our Grad at Grad values thematically to introduce incoming students to our Jesuit Educational Heritage and those goals that we aspire all Loyola students to reach; and
to provide the soft skills introduction (e.g., communication, respect, other) to how we are called to be with one another on our campus so that a culture and climate of respect permeates every aspect of student life.
Class Motto: Be Prepared; Be Productive; Be Respectful
PREPARATION: Come to class with the proper materials, attitude, and willingness to learn.
PRODUCTIVITY: Always bring your best to class and do not waste class time.
RESPECT: Respect yourself, your classmates, your instructor, and your school. This includes persons of different abilities and cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender identity.
Student work will be a part of their portfolio and shared at their parent / guardian meeting with their counselor in October.
Adhere to All the Rules Established in the
Summer Session Handbook
Four Movements of CY1
Welcome to Loyola, a caring and supportive environment for learning and steadfast companionship for your overall formation.
Technology Seminar
Learn the nuts & bolts of our tech platforms
Ignatian Seminar
Begin your formation within the Jesuit tradition
Big-Brother Welcome and Liturgy (Orientation)
Peer-to-Peer mentoring
Cura Period
Yearlong check-in (meetings with older students, counselors and adult community, etc.)
Day at a Glance for CY1
CY1 Summer Session
Summer Session CY1 consists of six 60-minute classes over a four-week period (Tuesdays/Thursdays).
● Week One: Open to Growth | June 17
● Week Two: Open to Growth | June 24 & June 26
● Week Three: Intellectually Distinguished | July 1
● Week Four: Loving | July 8 & July 10
Period 1: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Period 2: 9:10 a.m. – 10:10 a.m.
Recess: 10:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Period 3: 10:35 a.m. – 11:35 p.m.
Period 4: 11:45 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
The Accelerated CY1 Course consists of three 120-minute classes over a week (August 5–7, 2025).
● Day 1 One: Open to Growth | August 5th: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
● Day Two: Intellectually Distinguished | August 6th: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
● Day Three: Loving | August 7th: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
What does my son need to fully participate in the program?
Each young man needs a computer and headset. Please click here to see technology specifications.
Other materials such as the CY1 planner will be provided by each instructor and will be a part of the student information system that your son will have access to.
When does this program begin?
The program begins on June 17th and ends on July 10th. Students will also need to attend a traditional orientation week in August 2025.
Is CY1 mandatory?
Yes. This is a required program for all incoming first-year students. It will provide a common support system and entry into Loyola and provide all students with the orientation that will help them successfully navigate Loyola High School.
My son attended Loyola and this was not offered. Is this new?
Yes. Each year, the Assistant Principal of Student Life and his team evaluate new student orientations. Given our common experiences related to distant learning, the success of the program and its growth into other grade level experiences (CY2, CY3 and CY4), the team felt that this would be an opportunity to provide a free, robust onboarding experience to all incoming students.
Is there something like CY1 for new parents/guardians? If so, will it be offered in other languages if English is not our first language?
Yes. While much attention is directed to the young man entering Loyola, we have created a program for the parent/guardian, called Supporting Your New Cub (SYNC). In many ways, this will be each of your own First-Year Experience. In collaboration with Loyola’s Office for Mission, sessions throughout the summer will be offered in conjunction with Cub Year One: First Year Foundations. Here, like the students, parents/guardians will receive support and guidance on how to make their own four years a unique and special journey of their own.
What if my son is absent for one of the seminars? Will roll be taken?
Each student will be assigned to a classroom and have a teacher directing the lessons. S/he will take roll each session and provide the Dean with daily attendance.
Although the materials from the day’s lesson could be provided, the course is HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL, making it very difficult to make up. Their attendance is key for a complete CY1 experience.
Students can miss a maximum of 2 classes.
- If they miss more than what is advised, they will have to redo the CY1 course in August.
- If they miss the August session, the students’ counselors and the CY facilitators will remediate missed content throughout the school year.
Whom do I contact if my son will miss a session?
If your son is absent, please follow the steps outlined in the Summer Session Handbook. Students are responsible for emailing their facilitator in advance, and scheduling a time to make up missed content during the facilitator’s office hours or during a scheduled appointment.
Cub Year (CY Program)
Cub Year One: First Year Foundations challenges first-year students to understand the Loyola story and their story. Also, to see themselves as now part of the larger narrative of Loyola.
Cub Year Two: Walking Radically with God aims to help sophomores understand and listen to the stories of others, specifically by exploring, examining and working toward dismantling structures of racism.
Cub Year Three: Contemplatives in Discernment provides a clinical mechanism for journeying toward personhood by scaffolding the college application discernment process and by giving space for self reflection and exploration.
Cub Year Four: Radical Kinship seeks to help our Cubs go beyond an ethic of charity toward a dynamic of relationship and deep listening with our community partners, generating leaders who encounter and empower the communities with which they work by utilizing their strengths, skills and advocacy.
Cura Day

Six Word Memoirs
CY1 Archives
Six Word Memoirs (2022-23)
Six Word Memoirs (2021-22)
Six Word Memoirs (2020-21)
Faith Crests (2020-21)
Key Dates
CY1 Program Begins
Freshman Orientation
Freshman Retreat
Freshman FAQs
How many classes will I have and how does the schedule work?
All freshmen take seven courses. All classes are graded and for credit. There are no unscheduled periods. In terms of daily class rotation, Monday through Friday are four periods for 60 minutes each.
For example, each class typically meets three times per week in a rotating sequence:
What is the typical course of study for a Loyola Freshman?
A typical freshman curriculum follows the following seven-course format:
- English 1
- Algebra 1 or Performing Arts
- Geometry
- Freshman Physics
- Modern or Classical Language
- Theology 1
- Health (1 semester) & P.E. (1 semester)
*Many exceptions and alternatives exist depending on placement in mathematics and language.
Where is the best place to find information and updates?
Visit the Loyola home page for the latest news, updates, events and parent info. The school calendar will also have upcoming events, announcements and general information regarding student activities. For specific academic questions, please contact Assistant Principal Mr. Robb Gorr at rgorr@loyolahs.edu.
What are the protocols for digital learning?
For a complete understanding of our distance learning protocol, please click here.
What are your dress code policies?
The dress code upholds the standards of modesty, neatness and good taste of Loyola High School. It is expected that every student will dress according to reasonable standards of decency, mindful of the academic nature of the environment. Personal appearance and attire are expected to be neat and clean. The Administration of the school will be the final judge of what is or is not acceptable. A violation may result in disciplinary action.
How do I get my PowerSchool and Canvas login information?
For PowerSchool:
- Navigate in your web browser to https://loyolahs.powerschool.com
- On the Sign In screen, choose the ‘Create Account’ tab and then click on the ‘Create Account’ button at the bottom of the window.
- Complete information about you, the parent.
- Link one or more students to your account.
- After completing all information, click ‘Enter’ at the bottom of the page.
- Sign in to test your new account at https://loyolahs.powerschool.com
For questions, please contact Mrs. Bren Wells at bwells@loyolahs.edu
Students will receive an in-depth orientation and training to understand and navigate CANVAS, as well as the different online tools necessary for learning on a digital platform during their CY1 Technology Seminar beginning Monday, July 20th.
How do I register for Loyola bus transportation?
For the upcoming year, we have six bus routes serving our most dense populations. The cost for the year is $2,500 which includes morning, afternoon and late afternoon buses. Routes may be added or changed as necessary to meet demand.
Bus space is on a first-come, first-served basis. To guarantee a spot, we are requiring the full balance of $2,500 to be paid by August 15*.
Register here. For more information, please visit our transportation page.
*If Loyola were forced to cancel bus service for any reason, a full or pro-rated refund would be available.
What do I need to know before I buy my books?
Loyola does not have a physical bookstore on campus, but all books may be purchased through our online book store. We have partnered with Edtech to provide all of your Cub’s book needs for the school year. Click here for previous instructions on how to purchase textbooks.
Loyola’s official booklist will be posted online here.
What kind of technology platforms are used in the curriculum?
- Loyola is a Google Apps for Education school that primarily uses Apple technology.
- All students will have a CANVAS account that connect them to their teachers and courses. Teachers use CANVAS as their primary online communication tool.
- Science classes use PASCO live data collection hardware and Data Studio software that connects via Bluetooth to MacBooks and/or iPads.
- Loyola officially begins its 1:1 technology program with the Class of 2024. This program requires that every student have their own laptop and broadband internet connectivity both on and off campus. All incoming freshmen are required to purchase an Apple MacBook as part of their enrollment. More details regarding Loyola’s 1:1 program can be found here.
How can I get involved in freshman athletics?
Check our Incoming Frosh Athletics page often for new and updated information.
For more information:
Mrs. Kaitlin Collins Pardo
(Cub Year One Information)