Schedule an Appointment for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Follow the directions provided to get to the Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler.

Register (new users)

  1. Enter your email address and push “Login/Create Account”.
  2. Fill in the required fields and register.

Sign In

If you’ve previously registered, all you need to do is enter your email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can select the Forgot Password button and a new password will be emailed to you.


  1. You will see a list of teachers. Select the box next to the teacher name(s) that you would like to schedule a conference with. You will then see the schedule of available times for those teachers.
  2. Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you which teacher corresponds to which color and the times increase as you go down the page.
  3. Click on a square to schedule that time.
  4. Fill in your Student Name, and then click on “Create Appointment”.

Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit with.

You can click on the “Printable Schedule” link located on the top right corner and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule. You will also have the option to email the schedule to yourself.

If you want to make changes to your schedule you can click on the “Your Schedule” link, OR you can login at any other time with your email and password.

To cancel your appointment from the desktop select the “Your Schedule” option and then select the Cancel button next to your appointment.

To cancel your appointment from a mobile phone select the green menu option to the left of your name. Then select the green Your Schedule option to see your appointments. You will need to scroll to the right-hand side to see the Cancel button.


If you have two or more children at Loyola with the SAME teacher

  1. Register / Sign In with one parent’s name and email address and register.
  2. Schedule the first student’s conference time, and log out of scheduler.
  3. Register / Sign In with the second parent’s name and email address and register. If you do not have a second email address you would like to use, simply use the following format:
  1. Schedule the second student’s conference time and log out of the scheduler.

It is not necessary to do this if you have two or more children at the school with different teachers.