Dine LOYOLA 2020
Loyola High School launched its inaugural Dine Loyola event on April 27th. This initiative to promote Loyola High affiliated restaurants ran for two weeks, and we asked the Loyola family to support our special restaurants during these times.
Though the promotion is now over, you can always #DineLOYOLA and support your fellow Cubs! Visit the link below to access the map of Loyola restaurants.
Click here to find Loyola restaurants near you!
(For list view, click the white “Loyola High Alum Restaurants” bar at the bottom of the page or visit the link on your desktop.)
Many of our Cub restaurateurs have stepped up in their communities, providing meals for healthcare workers on the front lines and for those less fortunate in need of meals. We highlighted a number of those Cubs on our social media platforms. Check them out below:
- Instagram: @loyolahighalumni | @loyolahigh
- Facebook: Loyola High School Alumni | Loyola High School
- Twitter: @LoyolaHSAlumni
- LinkedIn: Loyola High School